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Superhero strong, superhero bod

Photo courtesy Marvel Entertainment

Train like a superhero to get that superhero physique with this powerlifting and bodybuilding program. 

This is a high-volume training routine. It keeps elements of powerlifting and bodybuilding. Two of my favorite things aside from NJ pizza, Guinness beer, and a Cohiba Black. I am offering you a way to keep both in a program. You will continue to make gains using both methods.
You do not want to do this program on a cut or during a dieting phase. It is demanding. I do not suggest staying on this program for more than 16 weeks. It is demanding. You need to have calories. I would prefer you to have 35% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and 30% fats.
For a quick and dirty calculation, multiply your body weight x 12. This will give you enough calories. If you fare lower with less carbs, adjust the ratio, but dont expect to make progress with 20% carbs.
Higher volume requires more calories for optimal recovery. If you try to do this cutting a dieting phase, you are shortchanging your results. Why put yourself through hell and not have enough brick and mortar to build that house of your dreams?

Conjugate method

The conjugate method is born out of both Soviet Union and Bulgarian training systems. It was popularized by legendary powerlifter and coach, Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell.
You’ll select a compound move and try to progress each each week by even a small amount of weight.

The format of the conjugate week looks like this:

 Maximum effort upper (Bench Press variation)

 Maximum effort lower (Squat / Deadlift variation)

Dynamic effort upper

 Dynamic effort lower

In this program you will stay on a lift for a period of one to three weeks for that lift. Even if it’s a 2.5 lb. gain, it’s STILL progress. If you fail to progress on the same lift, change the variation (slightly). You may want to consider purchasing a cheap set of fractional plates.
After one to three weeks, you’ll change a small component of the lift. If you did a competition bench press, change the grip to a narrow grip or something that makes it different. If you did a competition squat with a belt, train without a belt. Change the first bench press into an incline bench press. A back squat can now become a front squat.

Rep ranges

Stick with 1-3 reps. If you are a beginner, train with 3 reps. You haven’t established the pathways to control the weight under strain. This is the point of the conjugate system. A major factor that many forget or don’t consider. Many think it is to lift heavy ass weight regardless of form or strain.
I prefer 1 rep maxes every week because there is less room for injury. Choose your weights carefully. If there is even a small doubt in your mind whether you can make the next lift, do not. Stop and move on to back off sets.

The format

We will keep the two max effort days the same. We are going to use higher volume with a push-pull-legs format for the latter half of the week so that it looks like this:

 Day 1: max effort upper

 Day 2: max effort lower

 Day 3: rest and recovery

 Day 4: push

 Day 6: pull

 Day 7: legs

 Workloads in the beginning of the week will focus on the compound lift and getting you stronger. This follows with your weak point assistance/supplementary lifts.
If your glutes are weak, select an exercise (after the main lift) that targets that weakness. If your shoulders are the weak point of a bench press, select an overhead press variation.


Don't go so far away from your primary lift movement pattern that you use three or more modes of overload. Don’t use a Swiss ball, plus bands, plus a barbell, while using a Slingshot to vary the basic bench press.
Instead, change your grip, use a different range of movement like an incline bench. Change the rep tempo, pause inside of the rep. Anything can work to continue training the basic movement. One little change is all you need.
If you squat with a belt, spend three weeks squatting without a barbell. Do pinned squats. Paused squats, slight changes.
Choose to deadlift off blocks. Deadlift with a squat shoe, deadlift with band around your waist and planted into a power rack. Changes need to match the lift.

Getting stale on an assistant movement

Change a little something about the lift. For example, if you are doing a good morning, but not progressing, change the movement to a stiff leg deadlift. You still have that hip hinge, but you are changing it enough to create a new stimulus.
Give the exercise time to work. Do not change it every three weeks. Stick to it for 4-6 weeks.

Final Details

  • Where you see AMRAP sets, stop one or two reps shy of failure. Dont go bananas. You are risking injury.

  • Where you see total rep numbers, I like to get as many reps as possible on the first set. Then whittle it down to a total of reps needed.

  • Unsure of when to move up the weight? Use auto regulation. Do the required amount of reps for the sets. On the final set, take it to failure. If you get 2-3 reps, add 5 lbs. If you get more than that, add 10 or more. Choose wisely or you risk injury.

  • AMRAP means as many reps as possible.

  • Plan a recovery workout. It should include a HIIT training session, a series of stretches, mobility work and a cool down period.

 Train like this for 12 weeks. You’ll be strong AF and look like Hawkeye without the costume.