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Build Muscle with these Time Under Tension Techniques

The techniques below have one purpose. To build muscle by extending the time under tension (TUT). TUT increases the chances of muscle breakdown and repair to induce muscle growth.

These techniques are among my favorites to use with my athletes and some of my more advanced clients. I like to take one or two techniques and use it for two weeks to a month. Any further than that and you might lessen the effectiveness of the technique.

Cluster sets

The setup

For strength: You want a weight you can do 5 reps. Begin with 2 reps, rest 20 seconds; do another 2 reps; rest 20 seconds; 1-2 reps-rest. The set is complete. Rest 120-180 seconds Repeat

For size

You want a weight you can do 8 reps. Prescribed amount of sets: 4 4 reps-rest 15 seconds; 4 reps-rest 15 seconds; 2-4 reps-rest 90-120 seconds Repeat That’s one cluster set.

Multi-joint + isolation superset

The setup

Use a multi-joint compound movement:

  • squat

  • bench press

  • deadlift

  • rows

  • overhead press

Partner it up with an isolation movement:

  • leg extensions, flies

  • lying or seated leg curl

  • straight arm pulldown

  • lateral raises).

Use high intensity, low reps (3-5) for your compound lift. Pair it with hypertrophy based reps 8-15. Perform the compound move first, then right after, do the isolation exercise.

Antagonistic supersets

The setup

Use these alternating body parts for training:

  • Upper Back/Chest

  • Quads/Hamstrings

  • Back Thickness/Delts

  • Triceps/Biceps

Do the first exercise, then go to the next. Some examples:

  • Chin Ups/Bench Press

  • Front Squat/Stiff Leg Deadlift

  • Barbell Rows/Overhead Press

  • Tricep Extension/Bicep Curl

What's great about this pairing is that you can use higher reps schemes like 15-20, or go as low as 3-5.

Drop Sets

The setup

I like to use these on the final set. But you can use these with each set.

Perform the set of reps. After the set is completed, drop 50% from the weight and pump out as many reps as possible. Rack the bar. Drop 25%. Go for as many reps as possible. The set is done.

Take the alternate dumbbell curl. Do the first set with 10-12 reps. Rack the dumbbells and go down 5 pounds. Curl as many times as possible. Rack it. Drop another 5 pounds and continue all the way down the rack until you hit the 5 pound dumbbells which will feel like 50 pounds. I like to add a little more torture to it by go back up the rack to the first weight used.

20/10 drop sets

The setup

On the final set of an exercise, perform the prescribed set of reps. After the final set, drop the weights. Rest 20 seconds, or the amount of time it takes to load the barbell or grab a dumbbell. Drop 20% of the weight and pump out as many reps as possible. Drop the dumbbells, rack the bar. Rest again, then drop another 10%. Go for as many reps as possible, then rest.

Rest/pause sets

The setup

Let’s choose the incline barbell bench press. You're about to press with a predetermined amount of reps.
For this example we are going for 4 sets of twelve reps. You've already done 3 of 4 sets. It's the 4th and final set. You know you can get that number, but let's take it a bit further.  You get under the bar. You set up your bench form. You focus and get twelve reps.

Now, put the bar down on the rack. Count to 10, taking full, rib-expanding breaths. Setup again for the bench. Grab the bar and do as many reps to failure (with good form).  You get seven. Rest the bar again. Hold it-you aren’t finished! Take your 10 deep breaths again. Grab the bar. Focus on that burn. Feels great doesn't it? You get to the second rep, the third, fourth and you rack it, completely obliterated. You nailed ELEVEN more reps!


The setup

Choose a weight you can perform 6-8 reps with.

Complete three sets of 6 on each set. Rest 2 minutes between sets. On the final set, do 3 rest/pause sets. Rest 15 seconds between each of the rest/pause sets.

Pyramid sets + 20

The setup

  • On the first set (after warming up to work weight): Perform 12 reps with an easy to moderate weight that you can get for 15 reps.

  • Second set: increase the weight and go for 10 reps

  • Third set: Increase the weight and go for 8 reps Fourth set: Increase, go for a hard six.

  • Rest 2 minutes, then go back to the first weight you did for 12 and go for 20 reps. If you fail on any of the sets, use the same weight for the next workout until you get to 20.