Train smarter, not harder... because nobody ever bragged about their trophy for the most unnecessary effort

Training calculators to maximize your training goals

Enter the weight you lifted and the number of reps done.


This warm-up calculator helps you prep safely by estimating your 1RM (one rep max). Remember, it’s a customized estimate—not an exact number.

Nutritional calculator to lose fat, Build muscle, or recomp goals

Protein is an important nutrient that all trainees and athletes need to help build lean muscle, aid in recovery, and keep you fuller longer for better fat loss results. Plug in the number according to what your goal is and how many times a week you’re training.

Use this calorie calculator to find your starting point for fat loss, maintenance, or muscle gain. Adjust carbs by 5% weekly until you see progress—aim for 0.5-1.0 lb gain per week for muscle or 0.5-1.5 lb loss for fat. Remember, this is just a rough guide. For accurate results, track your intake with a calorie counter for 14 days. If your weight stays steady, that’s your calorie baseline. Then use these percentages to set your protein, fat, and carb ratios.

Read your percentages as: Protein / Fats / Carbs

Higher Carb (30/20/50)

Moderate Carb (30/35/35)

Lower Carb (40/40/20)



The information  presented on this website is in no way intended to recommend the self-management of health problems or wellness, as medical advice or as a  substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information that you find on this website, on websites we link to, receive from our employees, suppliers, or agents by phone, email or  other communication channels, or obtain through contacts you make through  MFSC should be verified and used in conjunction with the guidance  and supervision of your doctor. Consult your physician before beginning any diet, nutrition, or fitness plan, including the meal plan or  products that are offered through the website.

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